How to position your body on a surfboard

As with every sport, getting the foundations right is key to quicker progression. For those starting out on their surfing odyssey here are a few things to think about when it comes to positioning your body on a surfboard.

Getting the correct body position on your surfboard is fundamental to paddling well, with the aim of minimising resistance - or drag in the water, and increasing your ability to catch a wave. 

Position your body on the centre line of the board (the stringer), so that the board planes on the water’s surface.

The nose of your board needs to be 1-2 inches out of the water, with your head and chest up.

Keep your feet together and try to keep your body and head still as you paddle without rocking side to side, as doing so will slow you down.

The correct position is known as the ‘sweet spot’ on your board, and the smallest adjustment can make all the difference to your paddle power.

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