Surf stance and foot position

When it comes to nailing your surf stance and becoming a more efficient surfer, it’s important to get the position of your feet on the board right as soon as you pop-up. Your body needs to be balanced and this all starts with the feet; not getting the foundations right is one of the most common mistakes when progressing from beginner to intermediate.

When you pop-up, both feet should be positioned with the arch of the foot along the center line of the board (the stringer), with your front foot landing between your hands, and angled forward 30 to 40 degrees. The back foot should also be perpendicular to the center line - and facing slightly forward. 

The distance between your front and back foot depends on the size of the person and the size of the board you are surfing, but generally about 1½ steps between front and back foot at take off.

The aim when surfing is to generate forward momentum, and the body needs to be able to compress and extend, have freedom of movement in the pelvis and hips so the body can be reactive, and having your feet in the best position is key to this.

It’s also good to remember that as you progress, your back foot won’t remain static on the board and needs to move and act as a pivot when it comes to turning your board. 

Every beginner needs to avoid the wide-legged ‘poo stance’ with each foot facing in opposite directions on the board. This foot position doesn’t allow your body to move in the way it needs to and will hinder your to progress. 

Having your feet over one side of the center line of the board will make you unbalanced and likely to fall off.

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How to get your surfing stance right